Relationship Between Authority, Responsibility and Accountability

1. Accountability arises from responsibility, and responsibility typically stems from authority.

In other words, when individuals are given the power (authority) to make decisions, they are assigned specific tasks (responsibility).

Being answerable for the outcomes of these tasks creates accountability.

2. Authority is the right to do something, accountability is the duty to explain why and how it was done, and responsibility is the willingness to do it.

10 Characteristics of Management

1. Management is goal-oriented

Management is a goal-oriented and purposeful activity.

It is all about achieving objectives.

Whether it’s increasing sales, improving efficiency, or expanding market share, managers set objectives and coordinate individuals’ efforts toward achieving the objectives.

So, in short, management is a goal-oriented activity since it aims to achieve the pre-established objectives.

The Six P’s of Planning

Effective planning is a fundamental cornerstone of successful business management. Planning is the systematic process of setting the objective of the business and deciding on the best course of action to take to achieve the goal. It is the systematic process of defining objectives and determining the optimal course of action to accomplish these objectives. […]