Political Participation – Meaning and Forms

Political participation is any activity taken by an individual to influence the activities of the government of the state.

It is the voluntary participation of citizens in the political activities of their country.

Political participation can also be defined as the involvement of citizens in the decision-making of the state.

It refers to the actions made, directly or indirectly, by members of the state with the intention of influencing national politics and public policy.

Political participation refers to the different ways that individuals can get involved in politics and influence the decisions made locally, nationally, or internationally.

As you will see in the next heading, political participation can include things like voting in elections and supporting a certain candidate.

Additionally, it can refer to other activities such as attending public gatherings or protests, becoming a member of a political party or advocacy group or taking part in other civic activities.

Forms of Political Participation

1. Contesting in elections: This is one popular way for citizens to participate in politics.

As citizens of a country, an individual can contest for any elective post.

When people run for elective posts, whether at the local, regional, national, or even international level, they are essentially seeking to be elected to represent the interests of a specific group of people or a specific geographical area.

If they are successful in the election, they can then use their position to influence decision-making and public policy.

So, contesting for elective positions is one sure way to get involved in and influence a country’s politics.

2. Voting: As long as you have reached the legal minimum age for voting, you can vote during the election.

Voting is one common way in which individuals participate in the political activities of their countries.

Voting allows citizens to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives and communities.

It is an important means for individuals to make their voices heard and to hold representatives accountable.

Voting allows people to express their preferences and ideals and participate in the creation of laws and decisions that will affect them and their future generations.

3. Joining political parties: Individuals also participate in politics when they join political parties.

Political parties promote particular ideologies, policies, and candidates for public office.

Political parties provide an opportunity for individuals to work together with like-minded people to advocate for the policies that they believe in.

They serve as a means for citizens to advance their concerns and work together to ensure that the party win elections so they may have a say in how the state is run.

Political parties also give citizens the chance to voice their concerns and collaborate to make sure that the government takes their concerns into account when making decisions.

4. Membership of pressure groups: Another form of political participation is joining pressure groups.

Pressure groups are organizations that seek to influence public policy and decisions by lobbying government officials, campaigning for specific causes, and raising awareness about issues that they care about.

By joining pressure groups, individuals can become actively involved in the work of the group and contribute to its effort to shape public policy and advocate for specific causes.

Pressure groups enable like-minded people to advocate for particular causes including environmental preservation, human rights, healthcare, animal welfare, and many other things.

Membership in pressure groups allows individuals to engage in the political process by advocating for the issues they care about.

Thus, being a part of a pressure group is another way to participate in politics.

5. Attending rallies: This is another form of political participation that allows individuals to express their views and concerns, and to show support for a particular cause or candidate.

Rallies can provide a platform for individuals to unite and share their opinions.

It can also be a powerful tool for influencing public policy or increasing awareness of a certain issue.

Rallies can take many forms, such as protest marches, demonstrations, and even public meetings.

They can take place anywhere, including on the streets, in public parks, or at government houses.

Rallies are usually organized by political parties, pressure groups, or private citizens.

Attending a rally can be a way for individuals to show their support for a particular cause or candidate, and to make their own views known to the public and to decision-makers.

It can also be a tool for people to get in touch with others who share their concerns and values so that they can collaborate to promote change.

6. Political debates and discussions: Citizens can also participate in politics by taking part in political debates on social media or television.

Political debates and discussions allow individuals to engage in and express their views on political issues.

It allows individuals to contribute to the political discourse and shape the direction of policy decisions made by the government.

Importance of Political Participation

1. It promotes the legitimacy of the government: The degree of political participation that a government permits to exist directly affects the level of legitimacy citizens give that government.

If the government allows citizens to participate in the political process, the perceived legitimacy of the government will increase as citizens will view the government as being responsive to the needs and concerns of its citizens.

2. Creates political awareness: Political participation increases political awareness because individuals become informed about political issues and learn about different perspectives on a political issue when they participate in the political process of their country.

Political participation provides individuals with the opportunity to engage with others who have different perspectives and experiences.

For example, participating in a political debate or discussion can expose individuals to different viewpoints and help them to better understand the diverse political perspectives that exist within their communities and societies.

3. Helps in making government accountable: Participating in politics is a means of holding the government accountable for their actions and decisions.

Individuals gain the opportunity to influence government activities when they participate in politics.

For example, if the majority of citizens participate in a campaign to advocate for a particular issue, it can put pressure on government officials to take action and address the issue.

In addition, political participation also provides citizens with the opportunity to vote out bad leaders and vote in new leaders.

For example, through elections, Citizens can easily vote out leaders who perform below public expectations.