Atomic Number, Mass Number, Isotopes Jamb Chemistry Past Questions

Question 1

The relative atomic mass of a naturally occurring lithium consisting of 90%\(\frac{7}{3}\)Li and 10%\(\frac{6}{3}\)Li is

jamb 2016

  • A. 6.2
  • B. 6.8
  • C. 7.1
  • D. 6.9
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Question 2

An isotope has an atomic number of 15 and a mass number of 31. The number of proton it contains is

jamb 2016

  • A. 16
  • B. 15
  • C. 31
  • D. 46
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Question 3

Which quantum divides shells into orbitals?

jamb 2019

  • A. Spin
  • B. Principal
  • C. Azimuthal
  • D. Magnetic
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Question 4

How many valence electrons are contained in the element \(^{31}_{15}P\)?

jamb 2020

  • A. 3
  • B. 4
  • C. 15
  • D. 31
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Question 5

To obtain pure carbon(ii)oxide from its mixture with carbon(iv)oxide, the mixture should be?

jamb 2020

  • A. Passed over heated copper(ii)oxide
  • B. Bubbled through water
  • C. Bubbled through conc H\(_2\)SO\(_4\)
  • D. Bubbled through conc NAOH
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