Condensation In Terms Of Molecular Motion And Brownian Movement Jamb Chemistry Past Questions

Question 1

Using the metal activity series, the metal that can liberate hydrogen gas from steam is?

jamb 2022

  • A. iron
  • B. copper
  • C. tin
  • D. lead
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Question 2

When a pressure cooker is half filled with water, and heated to boiling point, then the pressure inside the cooker will?

jamb 1982

  • A. decrease, since only a fraction of the water molecules has changed to vapour
  • B. remain constant, because the total number of water molecules has not changed
  • C. increase, because the water molecules can now reach every part of the sealed tube
  • D. decrease, since water boils under reduced pressure
  • E. increase, because the water vapour molecules now strike the walls of the tube more frequently because of their increased velocity
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