Energy Changes Jamb Chemistry Past Questions

Question 1

2KClO\(_3\)(s) → 2KCl(s) + 3O\(_2\)(g)

The importance of the catalyst in the reaction above is that

jamb 2018

  • A. heating may not be required before the reaction takes place
  • B. the reaction is controllable even at a high temperature
  • C. the reaction produces large quantity of oxygen
  • D. the reaction takes place more rapidly at a lower temperature
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Question 2

The heat of formation of ethene, C\(_2\)H\(_4\) is 50 kJmol\(^{-1}\), and that of ethane, C\(_2\)H\(_6\) is -82kJmol\(^{-1}\). Calculate the heat evolved in the process:

C\(_2\)H\(_4\) + H\(_2\) \(\to\) C\(_2\)H\(_6\)

jamb 2019

  • A. -122kJ
  • B. -132kJ
  • C. -88kJ
  • D. -60kJ
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Question 3

The part of the total energy of a system that accounts for the useful work done in a system is known as

jamb 2019

  • A. Enthalpy change
  • B. None of the above
  • C. Gibb's free energy
  • D. Entropy
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Question 4

When sodium nitrate dissolves in water, ∆H is positive. This means that?

jamb 1981

  • A. the reaction is catalysed
  • B. the reaction is complete
  • C. the reaction is exothermic
  • D. the reaction is endthermic
  • E. sodium nitrate is highly soluble in water
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Question 5

0.16g of methane when burnt raises the temperature of 100g of water by 40°C. What is the of combustion of methane when if the heat capacity of water is 4.2 Jg-1°C-1?

(CH4 = 16)

jamb 1982

  • A. 1,160 kJ mol-1
  • B. 1,180 kJ mol-1
  • C. 1,560 kJ mol-1
  • D. 1,600kJ mol-1
  • E. 1,680 kJ mol-1
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