Water Of Crystallization, Efflorescence, Deliquescence, And Hygroscopy Jamb Chemistry Past Questions

Question 1

An efflorescent compound is a substance that?

jamb 1981

  • A. absorbs water froom the air without dissolving in it
  • B. is capable of giving off coloured luminosity
  • C. gives out water to the atmosphere
  • D. absorbs water from the air and dissolves in it
  • E. gives out its water of crystallization on heating
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Question 2

The scale formation in a kinetic used for boiling water is caused by the presence in water of?

jamb 1981

  • A. calcium sulphate
  • B. calcium carbonate
  • C. calcium hydrogen carbonate
  • D. calcium hydroxide
  • E. magnesium sulphate
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