Jamb Chemistry Past Questions For Year 2009

Question 1

If the relative atomic mass of an element is not a whole number, it can be deduced that the element is?

jamb 2009

  • A. Naturally radioactive
  • B. abundant in nature
  • C. a transition metal
  • D. an isotopic mixture
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Question 2

A mixture of sugar and sulphur can be separated by?

jamb 2009

  • A. dissolution in water, evapouration and filtration
  • B. filtration, evaporation and dissolution in water
  • C. dissolution in water, filtration and evaporation
  • D. evaporation, dissolution in water and filtration
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Question 3

The basic assumption in the kinetic theory of gases that the collisions of the gaseous molecules are perfectly elastic implies that the?

jamb 2009

  • A. forces of attraction and repulsion are in equilibrium
  • B. gaseous molecules can occupy any available space
  • C. gaseous molecules will continue their motion indefinitely
  • D. gases can be compressed
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Question 4

A gas exerts pressure on its container because?

jamb 2009

  • A. the molecules of a gas collide with the walls of the container
  • B. some of the molecules are moving faster than others
  • C. of the collisions of the molecules with each other
  • D. of the mass of the molecules of the gas
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Question 5

0.0075 mole of calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) is added to 0.015 mole of a solution of hydrochloric acid. The volume of gas evolved at s.t.p is?

[Molar volume of a gas at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3]

jamb 2009

  • A. 224cm3
  • B. 168cm3
  • C. 112cm3
  • D. 100cm3
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