Mono production economies are those that____

  • A Produce one main commodities
  • B Have a rich cultural heritage.
  • C Specialize in agricultural industries.
  • D Produce only raw materials.

The correct answer is A. Produce one main commodities

Mono-production economies are those that specialize in producing one main commodity or product.

This means that the economy of such countries or regions is heavily reliant on the production and export of a single product.

These economies often face challenges and risks due to their over-dependence on a single industry.

Some characteristics of mono-production economies include:

  1. Limited diversification: These economies tend to have limited diversification in terms of the range of industries and products they produce. They primarily focus on the production and export of one main commodity.
  2. Vulnerability to market fluctuations: Mono-production economies are highly vulnerable to fluctuations in global market prices for their main commodity. Any changes in demand or supply conditions can have a significant impact on their economy.
  3. Economic instability: Due to their dependence on a single industry, mono-production economies are more susceptible to economic instability. Any disruptions in the production or export of their main commodity can have severe consequences for their overall economy.
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