Causes Of Instability In Agricultural Incomes Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

Given 0.25, 1.25, 1.80, 1.110, 10.20, 10.15 and 1.55.

Determine the range?

jamb 2016

  • A. 0.25
  • B. 10.00
  • C. 1.55
  • D. 9.95
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Question 2

The hoarding of goods is usually experienced when

jamb 2005

  • A. supply is greater than demand
  • B. the market price above the equilibrium price
  • C. demand is greater than supply
  • D. excess demand is greater than excess supply
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Question 3

One of the major problems of product distribution in most developing countries is?

jamb 1999

  • A. lack of storage facilities
  • B. large number of middlemen
  • C. inadequate manpower
  • D. inadequate means of transportation
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Question 4

A major effect of a long distribution chain is?

jamb 2000

  • A. high retail prices
  • B. scarcity of commodities
  • C. low retail prices
  • D. low producer earnings
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Question 5

The primary barrier to land reform in developing countries is the?

jamb 1992

  • A. frequent opposition by the landlords
  • B. realization that output levels might fall
  • C. fear that peasants will be cut off from credit
  • D. general contentment with the present arrangement
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