Concepts Of Production And Their Interrelationships Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

If the country is currently producing at point Y, it can increase production of producer goods by moving to the point

jamb 2003

  • A. V
  • B. W
  • C. X
  • D. Z
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Question 2

The range of the data 14,13,15,18,20,35 and 13 is

jamb 2006

  • A. 20
  • B. 22
  • C. 13
  • D. 18
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Question 3

Gains from trade depends on?

jamb 1999

  • A. comparative advantage
  • B. absolute advantage
  • C. distributive cost advantage
  • D. absolute cost advantage
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Question 4

A production function relates?

jamb 2001

  • A. cost to output
  • B. wages to profit
  • C. cost to input
  • D. output to input
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Question 5

A firm is said to have benefited from external economies in production if it has realized?

jamb 1997

  • A. a more efficient management of resources
  • B. a better combination of factors of production
  • C. reduced resources costs due to operation of other firms
  • D. a higher profit level due to increased sales
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