Consumer Surplus And Its Applications Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

Consider the diagram below which shows a demand curve (d).

Total expenditure on a commodity is represented by the area TUVW. Consumer's surplus is represented by___________

jamb 2019

  • A. The area VWX
  • B. The area XTUV
  • C. \(\frac {XW} {XT}\)
  • D. \(\frac {TU} {UV}\)
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Question 2

The shaded triangle in the diagram above is known as

jamb 1998

  • A. excess supply
  • B. consumer surplus
  • C. excess consumption
  • D. producer surplus
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Question 3

A consumer surplus measures the

jamb 2011

  • A. benefits derived from consuming a cheap commodity
  • B. excess of total expenditure over total uility
  • C. difference between marginal utility and marginal cost
  • D. excess of marginal utility over price
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Question 4

In which of the diagrams above, is the consumer surplus correctly shaded?

jamb 1987

  • A. I
  • B. II
  • C. III
  • D. IV
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Question 5

The excess benefit derived from the purchase of goods over the amount paid for them is referred to as consumer

jamb 2008

  • A. rationality
  • B. surplus
  • C. sovereignty
  • D. credit
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