Distinction Between Change In Quantity Demanded And Change In Demand Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

A combination of factors responsible for a shift from DoDo to D1D1 are

jamb 2014

  • A. consumers income and change in technology
  • B. price of the commodity and weather conditions
  • C. consumers income and population size
  • D. consumers taste and change in price
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Question 2

The line Y in the diagram represents

jamb 2015

  • A. total cost
  • B. variable cost
  • C. fixed cost
  • D. marginal cost
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Question 3

An increase in demand without a corresponding change in supply will lead to

jamb 2013

  • A. a decrease in equilirium price and increase in equilibrium quantity
  • B. an increase in equilibrium price and quantity
  • C. a decrease in equilibrium price and quantity
  • D. an increase in equilibrium price and a decrease in equilibrium quantity
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Question 4

If the quantity of rice bought decreases from 250 tonnes to 200 tonnes owing to a 2% rise in price, it shows that there is a change in

jamb 2012

  • A. consumers' income
  • B. demand
  • C. consumers' tastes
  • D. quantity damanded
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Question 5

The only factor of production that plays an active role in the production process is

jamb 2006

  • A. land
  • B. capital
  • C. entrepreneur
  • D. labour
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