Effects Of Agricultural Policies And Their Effects Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

An advantage of large-scale farming over peasant farming is in the area of

jamb 2014

  • A. providing research and massive employment of labour
  • B. redistributing national income to various regions of the country
  • C. encouraging the use of traditional implements
  • D. encouraging urban-rural migration
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Question 2

An emerging agricultural export crop in Nigeria is

jamb 2012

  • A. cassava
  • B. cotton
  • C. cocoa
  • D. soya beans
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Question 3

Import substitution policy is used to

jamb 2006

  • A. protect local industries
  • B. check government expenditure
  • C. correct the balance of payments problem
  • D. encourage increased volume of trade
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Question 4

To protect farmers during a bumper harvest,. the government usually

jamb 2008

  • A. set a maximum price
  • B. release products from the buffer stock
  • C. sell the excess to consumers
  • D. set a minimum price
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Question 5

To enhance the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products, there is need to

jamb 2009

  • A. ban the importation of a agricultural products
  • B. increase the exportation of agricultural products
  • C. improve the quality of domestic agricultural products
  • D. increase the output of domestic agricultural products
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