Effects Of Changes In Supply And Demand On Equilibrium Price And Quantity Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

In order to raise more revenue for a certain period, the government should impose higher taxes on goods whose demand

jamb 2020

  • A. elastic
  • B. inelastic
  • C. perfectly elastic
  • D. unitary elastic
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Question 2

The supply curve of a locally-produced good may shift to the right if

jamb 2022

  • A. there is an increase in taxes on inputs
  • B. government increases subsidies
  • C. rural-urban migration is encouraged
  • D. the price of the commodity increases
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Question 3

If the government imposes a minimum price on a commodity

jamb 2022

  • A. market surplus occurs
  • B. the market will be cleared in the short-run
  • C. excess demand occurs
  • D. government regulation is no longer needed
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Question 4

The current stage of the economy is depicted in curve I. The movement of curve I to II suggests___________

jamb 2018

  • A. an Improvement in capital goods technology but not In consumer goods technology
  • B. a movement from unemployment to full employment
  • C. that the output for the society has declined
  • D. a gain in consumer goods technique and not in capital goods technique
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Question 5

A rise in the supply of a commodity cause__________

jamb 2019

  • A. an increase in the equilibrium price and decrease in the equilibrium quantity bought and sold
  • B. an increase in both equilibrium
  • C. a decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity bought and sold
  • D. a decrease in both equilibrium
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