Effects Of Public Expenditure Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

An economy in which both the public and private sectors contribute to economic growth is as

jamb 2013

  • A. feudal economy
  • B. capitalist economy
  • C. socialist economy
  • D. mixed economy
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Question 2

Minimum wage legislation will result in

jamb 2006

  • A. reduced income
  • B. greater supply labour
  • C. reduced labour productivity
  • D. greater demand for labour
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Question 3

In order to reduce hardship faced by consumers due to high prices government can introduce

jamb 2010

  • A. maximum prices
  • B. commodity boards
  • C. minimum prices
  • D. price control boards
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Question 4

A budget deficit means

jamb 1978

  • A. That a country is buying more than is selling
  • B. That a country is selling more than is buying
  • C. That a government is spending more than in takes in taxation
  • D. That a government is spending less than it takes in taxation
  • E. That a government is spending as much as it takes in taxation
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