Fiscal Policy And Its Instruments Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

Fiscal policy measures imply a change in

jamb 2022

  • A. only taxation to control aggregate demand
  • B. bank rate to infulence lending
  • C. only government expenditure to regulate an economy
  • D. government revenue and expenditure to regulate an economy
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Question 2

In order to increase revenue, government should tax commodities for which demand is

jamb 2022

  • A. perfectly price inelastic
  • B. price inelastic
  • C. price elastic
  • D. unitary elastic
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Question 3

The use of income and expenditure instruments or policies to control or regulate the economic activities of a country is known as?

jamb 2018

  • A. Revenue generation
  • B. Economic development
  • C. Fiscal Policy
  • D. Taxation
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Question 4

The use of government income and expenditure instrument to regulate the economy is termed______

jamb 2019

  • A. monetary policy
  • B. physical policy
  • C. fiscal policy
  • D. public finance
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Question 5

Wage freeze is a policy measure aimed at

jamb 2014

  • A. encouraging investors
  • B. curbing inflation
  • C. regulating standard of living
  • D. curbing deflation
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