Marginal Cost And The Supply Curve Of A Firm Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

If wage rate is less than the average revenue product, the firms would be earning________

jamb 2019

  • A. loss
  • B. super normal profit
  • C. normal profit
  • D. higher revenue
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Question 2

A firm incurs short-run costs when

jamb 2007

  • A. It cannot increase prices
  • B. Operation is at its later stages
  • C. Operation is at its early stages
  • D. Some inputs cannot be varied
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Question 3

An increase in the marginal cost of production causes

jamb 2007

  • A. A downward movement along the supply curve
  • B. A leftward shift of the supply curve
  • C. A rightward shift of the supply curve
  • D. An upward movement along the supply curve
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Question 4

The interest charged on loans is determined by the __________?

jamb 2016

  • A. Exchange rate
  • B. Fiscal policy
  • C. Risk associated with the loan
  • D. Rate of production in the country
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Question 5

What is the average total cost when the output is 200 units in the table above is

jamb 1998

  • A. N1.00
  • B. N2.0
  • C. N1.20
  • D. N2.40
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