Natural Resources And The Nigerian Economy Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

Mono production economies are those that____

jamb 2021

  • A. Produce one main commodities
  • B. Have a rich cultural heritage.
  • C. Specialize in agricultural industries.
  • D. Produce only raw materials.
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Question 2

A major characteristic of natural resources is they

jamb 2022

  • A. are unlimited in supply
  • B. have high cost of production
  • C. are free gifts of nature
  • D. do not command any price
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Question 3

The first petroleum exploring company to discover crude petroleum in Nigeria was?

jamb 1999

  • A. Mobil
  • B. Texaco
  • C. Agip
  • D. Shell-BP
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Question 4

The petro- chemical industries are located in the River State of Nigeria due to?

jamb 1985

  • A. favourable climate
  • B. favourable soil
  • C. oil deposits
  • D. palm oil products
  • E. coal deposit
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Question 5

Which is NOT a method of raising capital funds in Nigeria?

jamb 1980

  • A. Borrowing from abroad
  • B. Internal borrowing
  • C. Nigerianization of foreign companies
  • D. Gifts from abroad
  • E. Saling government bonds
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