Perfectly Competitive Market Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of perfect competition?

jamb 2021

  • A. Supply and demand are equal
  • B. Products are identical
  • C. There is perfect knowledge
  • D. There is no advertising
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Question 2

In perfectly elastic supply, the supply curve

jamb 2022

  • A. is vertical
  • B. is horizontal
  • C. slopes upward
  • D. slopes downward
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Question 3

Goods sold in perfectly competitive markets are generally

jamb 2017

  • A. homogenous
  • B. intermediate and final
  • C. durable and non-durable
  • D. heterogeneous
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Question 4

Completely competitive market exist when each member is a —

jamb 2017

  • A. price maker
  • B. price taker
  • C. price seeker
  • D. a and b
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Question 5

In a perfect competition, the market price is determined by_______

jamb 2019

  • A. the government
  • B. the producer
  • C. the consumer
  • D. the market supply and demand junctions
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