Short-run And Long-run Costs Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

A company's expenditure on raw materials is regarded as?

jamb 2020

  • A. explicit cost
  • B. implicit cost
  • C. prime cost
  • D. average cost
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Question 2

A firm that closes down will still incur

jamb 2022

  • A. variable cost
  • B. fixed cost
  • C. total cost
  • D. marginal cost
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Question 3

In the long-run, a firm must shut down if its average revenue is

jamb 2022

  • A. greater than average cost
  • B. less than average variable cost
  • C. equal to the minimum average revenue is
  • D. equal to the average cost
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Question 4

A firm's average cost decreases in the long-run because of

jamb 2022

  • A. increasing returns to scale
  • B. diminishing average returns
  • C. decreasing marginal returns
  • D. decreasing average fixed cost
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Question 5

The average curve and the marginal curve are U-shaped in the short-run and flatter in the long-run due to________

jamb 2019

  • A. Economies of scale
  • B. Money cost
  • C. Opportunity cost
  • D. Cost functions
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