Structure And Distribution Of Population Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

Consider the following statements:

1. Climate and availability of water largely determines the pattern of the population distribution.

2. Density of population helps in getting a better understanding of the spatial distribution of population in relation to land

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct

jamb 2018

  • A. Only 1
  • B. Only 2
  • C. Both 1 and 2
  • D. Neither 1 nor 2
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Question 2

If children and the aged dominate the population of a country, this results in

jamb 2006

  • A. a reduction in the importation of capital goods
  • B. a fall in the standard of living
  • C. an increase in the national income
  • D. an improvement in the standard of living
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Question 3

The labour force of a country can be determined by examining the

jamb 2003

  • A. age structure of the population
  • B. sex distribution of the population
  • C. geographical distribution of the population
  • D. occupational distribution of the population
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Question 4

Optimum population is desirable because it enables an economy to obtain maximum?

jamb 1985

  • A. per capita income
  • B. per capital output
  • C. per capita real income
  • D. per capital revenue
  • E. growth rate
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Question 5

Population density refers to?

jamb 1986

  • A. densely populated urban centres
  • B. the total area divided by the total population
  • C. densely populated rural areas
  • D. the total population divided by the total area
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