Types, Characteristics, And Functions Of Money Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

The most important attribute of money is?

jamb 2020

  • A. homogeneity
  • B. relative scarcity
  • C. divisibility
  • D. general acceptance
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Question 2

In Nigeria, cheques are not money because________

jamb 2021

  • A. Most Nigerians cannot identity them
  • B. They are not legal tender
  • C. There are no banks in rural areas
  • D. They are not generally acceptable as a medium of exchange
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Question 3

An example of commodity money is

jamb 2022

  • A. currency note
  • B. mobile money
  • C. cheques
  • D. silver
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Question 4

The demand and supply equations for a commodity are given respectively as D = 20 - 1/2P; S = 8 + 1/4P. Recalling that at equilibrium, D = S, the equilibrium (P) and quantity (Q) can be obtained as

jamb 1988

  • A. P = 12, Q = 16
  • B. P = 15, Q = 10
  • C. P = 12, Q = 14
  • D. P = 16, Q = 12
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Question 5

The money that commands a higher market value than its face value is called

jamb 2012

  • A. paper money
  • B. standard money
  • C. commodity money
  • D. fiat money
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