Mensuration Jamb Mathematics Past Questions

Question 1

In the figure above, |CD| is the base of the triangle CDE. Find the area of the figure to the nearest whole number.

jamb 2019

  • A. 56 cm\(^2\)
  • B. 24 cm\(^2\)
  • C. 42 cm\(^2\)
  • D. 34 cm\(^2\)
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Question 2

A frustrum of pyramid with square base has its upper and lower sections as squares of sizes 2m and 5m respectively and the distance between them 6m. Find the height of the pyramid from which the frustrum was obtained.

jamb 1999

  • A. 8.0 m
  • B. 8.4 m
  • C. 9.0 m
  • D. 10.0 m
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Question 3

A sector of a circle of radius 7.2cm which subtends an angle of 300° at the centre is used to form a cone. What is the radius of the base of the cone?

jamb 2001

  • A. 8cm
  • B. 6cm
  • C. 9cm
  • D. 7cm
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Question 4

A point P moves such that it is equidistant from Points Q and R. Find QR when PR = 8cm and angle PRQ = 30°

jamb 2001

  • A. 4√3cm
  • B. 8cm
  • C. 8√3cm
  • D. 4cm
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Question 5

A cylindrical tank has a capacity of 3080m. What is the depth of the tank if the diameter of its base is 14 m?

(Take pi = 22/7)

jamb 2001

  • A. 23 m
  • B. 25 m
  • C. 20 m
  • D. 22 m
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