Waec Agricultural Science Past Questions For Year 2004

Question 1

The best way to preserve maize grains on a large scale is by

waec 2004

  • A. storing under the sun
  • B. storing in earthen pots
  • C. hanging over fire places
  • D. storing in soils
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Question 2

Ananas comosus is a

waec 2004

  • A. fruit crop
  • B. oil crop
  • C. beverage crop
  • D. pasture crop
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Question 3

In cassava farming, rapid growth is promoted at the expense of tuber formation by the application of

waec 2004

  • A. potassium fertilizer
  • B. nitrogen fertilizer
  • C. complete fertilizer
  • D. phospate fertilizer
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Question 4

Black pod disease of cocoa is controlled by

waec 2004

  • A. fumigation of soil
  • B. farm sanitation
  • C. application of herbicides
  • D. application of fungicide
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Question 5

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good pasture?

waec 2004

  • A. high quality grass
  • B. provision of balance nutrients
  • C. ability to withstand trampling
  • D. high stem to leaf ratio
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