Waec Chemistry Past Questions For Year 1993

Question 1

Copper metal will react with concentrated trioxonitrate (V) acid to give?

waec 1993

  • A. Cu(NO3)3 + NO + N2O4 + H2O
  • B. Cu(NO3)2 + NO + H2O
  • C. CuO + NO2 + H2O
  • D. Cu(NO2)3 + NO2 + H2O
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Question 2

Which of the following separation is routinely applied in the petroleum industry

waec 1993

  • A. Filtration
  • B. Chromatography
  • C. Evaporation
  • D. Fractional crystallization
  • E. Fractional distillation
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Question 3

Which of the following pairs illustrates isotopy?

waec 1993

  • A. But-l-ene and but -2-ene
  • B. Ortho-hydrogen and parahydrogen
  • C. Oxygen and ozone
  • D. Hydrogen and deuterium
  • E. Alpha-particle and beta-particle
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Question 4

Alkanes are used mainly

waec 1993

  • A. in the production of plastics
  • B. as domestic and industrial fuels
  • C. in the textile industry
  • D. in the hydrogenation of oils
  • E. as fine chemicals
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Question 5

Trioxosulphate (lV) acid is not stored for a long period because it

waec 1993

  • A. is a weak dibasic acid
  • B. has bleaching properties
  • C. is unstable and eaily decomposed
  • D. smells strongly of sulphur (lV) oxide
  • E. can act as a germicide
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