Waec Chemistry Past Questions For Year 2001

Question 1

What is responsible for metallic bonding?

waec 2001

  • A. Sharing of electrons between the metal atoms
  • B. Attraction between the atomic unclei and cloud of electrons
  • C. transfer of electrons from one atom to another
  • D. Attraction between positive and negative ions
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Question 2

The presence of unpaired electrons in an atom of a transition metal gives rise to

waec 2001

  • A. paramagnetism
  • B. nalleability
  • C. ductility
  • D. shiny appearance
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Question 3

The atom of an element X combines with aluminium (13AI)?

waec 2001

  • A. AIX 2
  • B. AI 2X
  • C. AI2X 2
  • D. AI 2X 3
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Question 4

Elements which belong to the same group in the Periodic Table are characterized by

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  • A. difference of +1 in the oxidation numbers of successive members
  • B. presence of the same number of outermost electrons in the respective atoms
  • C. difference of 14 atomic mass units between successive members
  • D. presence of the same number of electron shells in the respective atoms
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Question 5

P Total = F1 + P2 + P 3 + .........Pn' where P Total is the pressure of a mixture of gasses. The equation above is an expression of

waec 2001

  • A. Graham's law
  • B. Gay-Lussac's Law
  • C. Boyle's law
  • D. Dalton's law
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