Waec Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions

Question 11

Which of the following illustrates God's love?

waec 2003

  • A. The Sower
  • B. Wheat and Tares
  • C. The Hidden Treasure
  • D. The Prodigal son
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Question 12

"I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these" This statement was made when Jesus was teaching about

waec 2003

  • A. fasting
  • B. anxiety
  • C. wealth
  • D. prayer
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Question 13

Which of the following is true about the birth of Jesus? Jesus was

waec 2003

  • A. conceived after Mary married Joseph
  • B. laid in a manger after his birth
  • C. born in Nazareth
  • D. born when Augustus was governor
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Question 14

Pilate referred Jesus to Herod for trial because Jesus

waec 2003

  • A. and Herod were friends
  • B. did not co-operate with Pilate
  • C. lived in the jurisdiction of Herod
  • D. did not respond to Pilate's questions
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Question 15

"How is it that you a Jew ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?" This question indicates that

waec 2003

  • A. the Jews were highly respected by the Samaritans
  • B. there was strained relationship between the Jews and the Samaritans
  • C. according to Jewish belief, a man should not as a woman for a drink
  • D. Jacob's well was for the Samaritans alone
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