Government as an institution of the state, an art of governing, and a field of study

Whether we believe it or not, the decisions will make and our actions are all guided by government rules and regulations.

Government can be defined as the machinery through which the will of the state is done.

It is the body in charge of managing the affairs of a state and maintaining diplomatic ties with other countries.

Government can be viewed from three main perspectives, namely; As an institution of the state, as an art of governing, and as a field of study.

Government as an institution of the state

Government is a state institution, which implies it was established by the state to carry out its activities and obligations.

As an institution of the state, government serves as the structure and system for decision-making in the state.

That is, Government serves as the institution for the administration of the state.

As an institution of the state, the government can be divided into the executive, legislature, and judiciary.

The government implements laws and policies in its capacity as an executive.

The government’s duty as a legislature is to make laws that guide the activities of every member of society.

As a Judiciary, the government is responsible for interpreting the law.

Government as an art of governing

Government as an art of governing means that government is viewed as the process of carrying out the day-to-day activities of managing the activities of the state.

The government is in charge of creating, enforcing, and adjudicating the laws of a nation. It has the ultimate power over a state.

Government as the art of governing means that government is responsible for the governance of the state and ensuring that everything is in order in the state.

Government as an academic field of study

Government, as an academic field of study, means that government is regarded as a discipline that studies the behavior and action of political institutions as well as the system of government operating in a country.

It is the study of political institutions, political systems, political processes, and political ideologies.

As an academic field of study, the government can be divided into various branches, namely; public administration, comparative politics, political economy, and international relations.