With which country did Nigeria break diplomatic relations in 1963 for exploding a nuclear device in the Sahara?

  • A The Soviet Union
  • B The U.S.A
  • C China
  • D Sourth Africa
  • E France

The correct answer is E. France

Nigeria was one of the African countries that strongly opposed France’s nuclear tests in the Sahara desert, which they considered a threat to the continent’s security and environment.

Nigeria responded to France’s third Saharan atomic experiment in January 1961 by ordering the departure of France’s ambassador, suspending diplomatic relations with France, and barring all French transit within Nigeria.

This hampered much of France’s commercial relations with West Africa, a large portion of which were conducted through Nigerian ports.

Nigeria also supported the resolutions of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) that condemned France’s nuclear activities in Africa.

Nigeria and France did not resume diplomatic relations until 1965.

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