Waec Literature In English Past Questions For Year 1998

Question 6

The basic elements of drama are

waec 1998

  • A. character, plot, episode
  • B. dialogue, chorus, plot
  • C. character, action, setting
  • D. character, monoloue, plot
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Question 7

The birds fly high over

the hills beyond the corn fields.

A poem written or rendered in praise of a person or thing is called

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  • A. a lyric
  • B. an ode
  • C. an elegy
  • D. a panegyric
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Question 8

The birds fly high over

the hills beyond the corn fields.

The poetic device used in the above extract is

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  • A. assonance
  • B. alliteration
  • C. metaphor
  • D. metonymy
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Question 9

Pick the odd item from the list below

waec 1998

  • A. Night Rain
  • B. Things fall Apart
  • C. Stanley Meets Mutesa
  • D. Nightfall in Soweto
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Question 10

Read the extract below and answer this question.

But the towering earth was tired of sitting in one position. She moved, suddenly, and the houses crumbled, the mountains heaved horribly, and the work of a million years was lost.

The image depicted in the extract is one of

waec 1998

  • A. destruction
  • B. merriment
  • C. happiness
  • D. amiration
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