Waec Physics Past Questions

Question 6

The motion of a body is simple harmonic if the

waec 1988

  • A. Acceleration is always directed towards a fixed point
  • B. path of motion is a striaght line
  • C. Acceleration is directed towards a fixed point and proportional to its distance from the point
  • D. Acceleration is proportional to the square of the distance from a fixed point
  • E. Acceleration is constant and directed towards a fixed point
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Question 7

Which of the following correctly gives the relationship between linear speed V and angular speed ω of a body moving uniformly in a circle of radius r?

waec 1988

  • A. V = ωr
  • B. V = ω2r
  • C. V = ωr2
  • D. V2 = ωr
  • E. V = ω/r
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Question 8

A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the ground with an initial velocity of 50ms-1. What is the total time spent by the ball in the air? (g = 10ms-2)

waec 1988

  • A. 2.5s
  • B. 5.0s
  • C. 10.0s
  • D. 15.0s
  • E. 20.0s
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Question 9

A catapult is used to project a stone. Which of the following energy conversions takes place as the stone is released?

waec 1988

  • A. The kinetic energy of the stone is converted into gravitational potential energy
  • B. The gravitational potential energy of the catapult is converted into kinetic energy of the stone
  • C. The gravitational potential energy is converted into elastic potential energy
  • D. The elastic potential energy of the catapult is converted into gravitational potential energy of the stone
  • E. None of the above
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Question 10

A body is projected into space with an initial velocity V0 at an angle, θ to the horizontal. Which of the following statements is/are correct about its motion?

I. The total time of flight is (V0 Cosθ)/g.

II. The maximum height is (V0 Sin 2θ)/2g.

III. The range is (V02 Cos2θ)/g.

waec 1988

  • A. The total time of flight is (V0 Cosθ)/g.
  • B. I & II only
  • C. I & III only
  • D. II & III only
  • E. II only
  • F. III only
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