10 Characteristics of Management

1. Management is goal-oriented

Management is a goal-oriented and purposeful activity.

It is all about achieving objectives.

Whether it’s increasing sales, improving efficiency, or expanding market share, managers set objectives and coordinate individuals’ efforts toward achieving the objectives.

So, in short, management is a goal-oriented activity since it aims to achieve the pre-established objectives.

Henry Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management

Henry Fayol also developed fourteen management principles, which are: Division of work; Authority and Responsibility; Discipline; Unity of command; Scalar chain; Equity; Espirit De Corps; Unity of direction; subordination of individual interest to the general interest; Remuneration; order; Centralization and decentralization; initiative; and stability of tenure of personnel.

Management -Meaning, Importance and Characteristics

According to George Terry, “Management is the process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish the objectives by the use of people and resources”

To Stanley Vane, “Management is simply the process of decision-making and control over the actions of human beings for the express purpose of attaining predetermined goals”, says Stanley Vane

In Mary Parker Follett’s words, “Management is getting things done through people”

Ordway Tead defined management as “the process and agency that directs and guides an organization’s operations in the realization of established aims.”

In general, management is seen as a series of interrelated activities grouped into four distinct categories (planning, organizing, leading and controlling).