Responsibility is the obligation of a subordinate to perform tasks that have been delegated to him or her. It is the moral commitment of a subordinate to carry out the duties assigned to him by his superior to the best of his ability. According to Koontz and O’Donnell, “Responsibility is the obligation of a subordinate […]
Delegation of authority can be defined as the process whereby a manager divides tasks to be done and delegates them to subordinates, who will report back to him. However, there exist certain barriers to effective delegation of authority. These barriers can be divided into two: Reasons For Manager’s Reluctance To Delegate Managers may not delegate […]
Delegation of Authority – Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages and Elements of Delegation of Authority
Delegation of authority is the transfer or distribution of authority and decision-making power to subordinates.
It is the process of assigning some of the manager’s tasks, duties and decision-making power to subordinates.
1. Accountability arises from responsibility, and responsibility typically stems from authority.
In other words, when individuals are given the power (authority) to make decisions, they are assigned specific tasks (responsibility).
Being answerable for the outcomes of these tasks creates accountability.
2. Authority is the right to do something, accountability is the duty to explain why and how it was done, and responsibility is the willingness to do it.
Authority is the right of the manager to give orders to subordinates and get obedience from them.
It is also the right to supervise the work of others and make certain decisions.
It may also be defined legal right of a manager to command, order, instruct and compel subordinates to perform specific tasks.
Authority is essential for managers to get things done through people.