Jamb Agricultural Science Past Questions

Question 6

One of the followings is not a basic consideration in planting operations

jamb 2022

  • A. Planting space
  • B. Planting time
  • C. Planting depth
  • D. Planting weed
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Question 7

The young plants that emerge during germination are called

jamb 2022

  • A. Emmergent plants
  • B. Surface plants
  • C. Seedlings
  • D. Leaves
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Question 8

_______ refers to the appearance of a seedling above soil level.

jamb 2022

  • A. Emergence
  • B. Epicot
  • C. Imergence
  • D. Emergency
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Question 9

Some seeds are raised in the nursery because

jamb 2022

  • A. The seedlings are weak
  • B. The seedling are green
  • C. The seedlings love the nursery
  • D. So that they can get enough sunshine
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Question 10

Which of the following methods of storage is used for grains

jamb 2022

  • A. Barns
  • B. Cribs
  • C. Silos
  • D. Refrigerators
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