Jamb Biology Past Questions

Question 1

An association between bacteria and root nodules of legume is called

jamb 2015

  • A. Commensalism
  • B. mutualism
  • C. parasitism
  • D. saprophytism
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Question 2

Which of the following is NOT a waste product of plants?

jamb 2015

  • A. Auxins
  • B. Gum
  • C. Resins
  • D. tanins
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Question 3

Which of the following statements is not true of a fish?

jamb 2015

  • A. respires with the use of gills
  • B. covered with scales
  • C. they are homeothermic
  • D. they are poikilothermic
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Question 4

Which of the following is not a pest of crops?

jamb 2015

  • A. Bird
  • B. Rodent
  • C. Bed bug
  • D. Grasshopper
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Question 5

Snails belong to the phylum?

jamb 2015

  • A. Annelida
  • B. Mollusca
  • C. Echinodermata
  • D. nematode
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