Jamb Biology Past Questions For Year 1993

Question 11

In which of the following organism does a single cells performs all the function of movement, nutrition, growth , excretion, photosynthesis?

jamb 1993

  • A. Paramecium
  • B. Euglena
  • C. Amoeba
  • D. Spirogyra
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Question 12

Which of the following organs or cells components are common to both the sporophytes and the gametophytes of a fern?

jamb 1993

  • A. Rhizoids
  • B. Roots
  • C. Chloroplast
  • D. Leaves
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Question 13

Osmic acid boiled with a solution of food substance gave a black precipitate. This indicates the presence of

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  • A. fats and oil
  • B. proteins
  • C. amino acids
  • D. starch
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Question 14

interveinal chlorosis is normally associated with the deficiency of

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  • A. magnesium
  • B. potassium
  • C. iron
  • D. calcium
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Question 15

Manufactured food in the plant is transported through the

jamb 1993

  • A. xylem
  • B. phloem
  • C. cambium
  • D. cortex
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