The electronic configuration of element Z is 1s\(^2\) 2s\(^2\) 2p\(^6\) 3s\(^2\) 3p\(^1\). What is the formula of the compound formed between Z and tetraoxosulphate (VI) ion.

  • A Z\(_3\)(SO\(_4\))\(_2\)
  • B ZSO\(_4\)
  • C Z\(_2\) SO\(_4\)
  • D Z\(_2\)(SO\(_4\))\(_3\)

The correct answer is D. Z\(_2\)(SO\(_4\))\(_3\)

Z = 1s\(^2\) 2s\(^2\) 2p\(^6\) 3s\(^2\) 3p\(^1\)

\(\therefore\) We have Z\(^{3+}\) and SO\(_4 ^{2-}\)

The reaction : Z\(^{3+}\) + SO\(_4 ^{2-}\) \(\to\) Z\(_2\)(SO\(_4\))\(_3\).

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