Jamb Chemistry Past Questions For Year 2018

Question 6

According to Charles' law, the volume of a gas becomes zero at

jamb 2018

  • A. 0°C
  • B. -100°C
  • C. -273°C
  • D. -373°C
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Question 7

Which of the following gases may not be dried with concentrated sulphuric acid?

jamb 2018

  • A. HCl\(_{(g)}\)
  • B. NH\(_3\)
  • C. Cl\(_2\)
  • D. SO\(_2\)
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Question 8

An element used in the production of matches is

jamb 2018

  • A. nitrogen
  • B. aluminium
  • C. copper
  • D. sulphur
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Question 9

According to the Kinetic Theory an increase in temperature causes the kinetic energy of particles to

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  • A. decrease
  • B. increase
  • C. be zero
  • D. remain constant
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Question 10

To what temperature must a gas at 273k be heated in order to double both its volume and pressure?

jamb 2018

  • A. 298K
  • B. 546K
  • C. 819K
  • D. 1092K
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