Jamb Chemistry Past Questions For Year 2015

Question 11

Which of the following metals burns with brick red

jamb 2015

  • A. Pb
  • B. Ca
  • C. Na
  • D. Mg
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Question 12

The above orbital diagram shown the electronic configuration of

jamb 2015

  • A. chlorine
  • B. nitrogen
  • C. calcium
  • D. neon
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Question 13

A suitable reagent for distinguish between ethanoic and ethanol is

jamb 2015

  • A. bromine water
  • B. Fehling’s solution
  • C. sodium hydrogen trioxocarbonate (iv)
  • D. Ammoniacal silver trioxonitrate(V)
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Question 14

Flow of current in electrolytes is due to the movement of

jamb 2015

  • A. electrons
  • B. Holes and electron
  • C. Ions
  • D. Charges
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Question 15

Which of the following ions requires the largest quantity of electricity for discharge at an electrode?

jamb 2015

  • A. 2.0 mole of Q3+
  • B. 2.5 mole of R2+
  • C. 3.0 mole of T-
  • D. 4.0 mole of Y-
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