Saul lent from Samuel's spirit that the LORD would

  • A give the Philistines into his hands
  • B afflict him with sickness
  • C become his enemy
  • D pardon his inquity

The correct answer is C. become his enemy

In 1 Samuel 28, after the death of Samuel, the Philistines surrounded the Israelites in an apparent invasion. Troubled by this, Saul went to God for direction but God did not speak to him. In his frustration, he employed the service of a witch who then summoned the spirit of Samuel. 

When Samuel appeared before Saul, he queried why Saul was disturbing him by summoning his spirit to which Saul responded that he was troubled because the Philistines had surrounded them and the spirit of God had departed from him and he need direction on what to do.

Samuel then told Saul that God had left him and given his Kingdom to David because he did not obey the voice of the LORD nor execute His fierce wrath upon Amalek. He also informed him that Saul and the whole of Isreal will be defeated by the Philistines. 

At this point, Saul realized he just didn't have the philistines as enemies, but that the Lord has completely deserted him and left him at the mercy of his enemies.

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