Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 2009

Question 1

In his teaching on partiality, James declares that mercy triumphs over

jamb 2009

  • A. judgement
  • B. rigteousness
  • C. grace
  • D. faith
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Question 2

In Romans, Paul condemned sin taking over mortal bodies in the new life as instruments of

jamb 2009

  • A. greediness
  • B. wickedness
  • C. sadness
  • D. foolishness
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Question 3

According to Ephesians, children who obey their parents in the Lord will

jamb 2009

  • A. be happy
  • B. go to heaven
  • C. have long life
  • D. be great
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Question 4

'''...but should write to them to abstain from the pollution's of idols and from unchastity and from what is strangled and from blood....'''

The statement above was made at the Council of Jerusalem by

jamb 2009

  • A. Philip
  • B. Simon
  • C. James
  • D. Peter
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Question 5

Angel Gabriel told Zachariah that he would become dumb until John was born because he

jamb 2009

  • A. looked down on the Angel
  • B. was advanced in age
  • C. disagreed with Elizabeth, his life
  • D. did not believe God's words
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