Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 1993

Question 1

The new covenant which God was to make with the house of Israel was that it would be

jamb 1993

  • A. written upon their hearts
  • B. for the tribe of Judah alone
  • C. the means of restoring the monarchy
  • D. everlasting
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Question 2

Why did Judah advise his brothers against shedding the blood of Joseph?

jamb 1993

  • A. he was afriad of blood
  • B. Joseph was their brother
  • C. blood is life
  • D. he wanted to raise some money by selling Joseph
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Question 3

After Jacob's dream at Bethel, he promised that he would

jamb 1993

  • A. continue to live there forever
  • B. give a tenth of all he would have to God
  • C. return immediately and settle there with his family
  • D. go to his father's house in peace
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Question 4

When God told Abraham that Sarah would have a child, Abraham laughed because

jamb 1993

  • A. Hagar prompted him
  • B. his wife Sarah laughed
  • C. they were too old to have a child
  • D. he already had a child called Ishmeal
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Question 5

''Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image'' . This statement explains the

jamb 1993

  • A. existence of blood revenge
  • B. significance of blood
  • C. disapproval of violence
  • D. prohibition of blood revenge
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