Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 2016

Question 46

'''Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God.....''''

The statement above marked the conversion of

jamb 2016

  • A. Philip
  • B. Cornelius
  • C. Saul of Tarsus
  • D. the Ethiopian Eunuch.
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Question 47

During the Temple's repair, King Josiah commanded that the money for the work, be given to the workmen without asking for an account of it because

jamb 2016

  • A. they were honest men
  • B. they were to be tested first
  • C. there was no room for that
  • D. the king enquried from God
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Question 48

Daniel and others opted for vegetables and water in place of the King's food and wine because

jamb 2016

  • A. they were fasting for Israel
  • B. the King's food would defile them
  • C. the King's food was not palatable
  • D. God was not happy with Israel's situation
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Question 49

The church that was commended for giving even when in extreme poverty was in

jamb 2016

  • A. Corinth
  • B. Galatia
  • C. Thessalonica
  • D. Macedonia
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Question 50

''.....I am the LORD, and there is no other, beside me there is no God....''

God's statement above through Isaiah depicts

jamb 2016

  • A. Israel's acceptance of His Supremacy
  • B. assurance to Isaiah of His existence
  • C. His sovereignty
  • D. His divine nature
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