Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 1998

Question 26

Jesus' teaching on swearing is that Christians should

jamb 1998

  • A. not swear falsely
  • B. swear when necessary
  • C. not swear at all
  • D. swear by the head
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Question 27

The criteria for the choice of the seven deacons were

jamb 1998

  • A. wisdom and understanding
  • B. good repute and being full of the spirit
  • C. good repute and knowledge
  • D. wisdom and knowledge
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Question 28

''Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, show which one of these two thou has chosen to take the place... from which Judas turned aside....'' Who were the two men referred to in the statement above ?

jamb 1998

  • A. Justus and Matthias
  • B. Joseph and Barsabbas
  • C. Justus and Barsabbas
  • D. Joseph and Justus
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Question 29

In the account of John about the resurrection, Mary was first asked why she was weeping by

jamb 1998

  • A. Jesus
  • B. Two angels
  • C. the guard
  • D. Salome
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Question 30

The conviction of Jesus by the high priest and the elders was on the ground that He

jamb 1998

  • A. uttered blasphemy
  • B. healed on the Sabbath day
  • C. said He would destory the temple
  • D. refused to obey Roman laws
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