Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 1991

Question 1

On the island of Malta, Paul healed a man who was

jamb 1991

  • A. born blind
  • B. deaf and dumb
  • C. lame from birth
  • D. sick with dysentery
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Question 2

One of the rules given to Noah after the flood was that he should

jamb 1991

  • A. cultivate the land
  • B. not eat the flesh with its blood
  • C. send out the dove
  • D. remain in the ark
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Question 3

''I heard the sound of thee in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked,and I hid myself''. The question that immediately followed this statemnet was

jamb 1991

  • A. ''what is this that you have done?''
  • B. ''who told you that you were naked?''
  • C. ''where are you?''
  • D. ''Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?''
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Question 4

When Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the Israelites

jamb 1991

  • A. murmured against God and Moses
  • B. decided to go back to Egypt
  • C. went up to look for him
  • D. asked Aaron to make gods for them
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Question 5

''....The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still''. The Lord fought for the people OF Israel on the occasion referred to in the above statement by

jamb 1991

  • A. drowing the Egyptain army in the Red Sea
  • B. opening a chasm in the earth and swallowing their enemies
  • C. raining fire and brimstone on their enemies
  • D. raining hailstones on their enemies
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