Jamb Christain Religious Knowledge Past Questions For Year 1992

Question 1

..... I am Pharisees, a son of Pharisee, with respect to the hope and resurrect of the dead I am on trial. This was part of the address of Paul to

jamb 1992

  • A. the Jerusalem crowd
  • B. King Agrippa and Festus
  • C. the Sanhedrin
  • D. the Tribune.
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Question 2

Paul and Barnabas were referred to as 'gods' in Lystra because they

jamb 1992

  • A. were agents of the unknown God
  • B. silenced Elymas the magician
  • C. healed a crippled man
  • D. proclaimed the gospel with power
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Question 3

''... Abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols and from blood and from what is strangled and from unchastity...'' To which issue was the above a response?

jamb 1992

  • A. circumcision controversy
  • B. idol worship
  • C. demon possession
  • D. immoral behaviour
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Question 4

According to Paul, which of the following is the greatest?

jamb 1992

  • A. Truth
  • B. Love
  • C. Faith
  • D. Hope
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Question 5

''....Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified ...As a reaction to this declaration, the Jews

jamb 1992

  • A. decided to kill Peter and the apostles
  • B. went back to their houses in anger
  • C. were deeply troubled and asked what they should do
  • D. ridiculed Peter and the apostles
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