Contributions Of The Oil And Non-oil Sectors To The Nigerian Economy Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 1

Palm oil industry is located in Old Bendel State because the state______

jamb 2021

  • A. Land is suitable for oil
  • B. Is a palm tree growing area
  • C. Soil is unsuitable for other crops
  • D. Imports raw materials for palm oil industry
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Question 2

The mining sector of an economy contributes 60% to the Gross Domestic Product(GDP). If the GDP is $540, what is the contribution of the mining sector?

jamb 2022

  • A. $ 90.00
  • B. $ 180.00
  • C. $ 324.00
  • D. $ 350.00
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Question 3

The lands that belong to the community is referred to as__________

jamb 2019

  • A. sacred land
  • B. individual land
  • C. communal land
  • D. rent land
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Question 4

The sector which contribute highly to the economy is___________

jamb 2019

  • A. Primary sector
  • B. Secondary sector
  • C. Tertiary sector
  • D. Education sector
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Question 5

Petroleum has the following positive contributions to the Nigerian economy except

jamb 2015

  • A. Generate employment
  • B. Source of government revenue
  • C. development of mono economy
  • D. Infrastructure development
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