Jamb Economics Past Questions For Year 2005

Question 1

Output(kg) 240 450 580 630
MR(N) 75 48 -40 -22
MC(N) 41 48 77 20

Given the table above, what is the firm's short-run profit maximizing output?

jamb 2005

  • A. 450kg
  • B. 630kg
  • C. 240kg
  • D. 580kg
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Question 2

The savings deposit in a commercial bank is called

jamb 2005

  • A. Capital
  • B. Fund
  • C. Near money
  • D. Money
  • E. Call money
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Question 3

A profit-maximizing monopolist should produce within the range where his demand is

jamb 2005

  • A. Inelastic
  • B. Elastic
  • C. Infinitely elastic
  • D. Unitary elastic
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Question 4

Applying the law of comparative costs, how many units of groundnuts will Nigeria produce?

jamb 2005

  • A. 7000 units
  • B. 16000 units
  • C. 9000 units
  • D. 8000 units
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Question 5

What is the median quantity?

jamb 2005

  • A. 5kg
  • B. 6kg
  • C. 3kg
  • D. 4kg
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