Meaning And Scope Of Economic Growth And Development Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 6

Economic development may be defined as economic growth?

jamb 1999

  • A. in a given country
  • B. over a long period
  • C. and improved health facilities
  • D. and improved distribution of wealth
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Question 7

Which of the following combinations is a veritable set of development indicators?

jamb 1992

  • A. Growth of governemnt expenditure and imports
  • B. Growth of population and national income
  • C. High fertility, literacy and school enrolment rates
  • D. Low infant mortality and high per capital income and literacy rates
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Question 8

If an economy grows at an annual rate of 5% of which 3% is deemed to be due to improvement in the productivity of labour and capital combined the remaining 2% is generally attributed to?

jamb 1992

  • A. the size of population
  • B. technical progress
  • C. the environment
  • D. the amount of natural resources
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Question 9

For the improvement of the welfare of a people, a high production level is not enough because

jamb 1987

  • A. the have-nots deserve more than a fair share
  • B. equitable distribution is necessary
  • C. production efficiency is vital
  • D. savings in the country must be guaranteed at more than 50 percent of income earned.
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