Meaning And Theories Of Population Jamb Economics Past Questions

Question 6

Population density is described as the

jamb 2005

  • A. average number of people per square kilometre
  • B. average number of people in a country
  • C. total population excluding migration
  • D. total population including net migration
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Question 7

Optimum population is the population level at which?

jamb 1989

  • A. death rate is at a minimum
  • B. per capita income is at a maximum
  • C. population is at a maximum
  • D. death rate is equal to birth rate
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Question 8

Import duties will increase total expenditure on imports if the demand for imports is?

jamb 1990

  • A. elastic
  • B. inelastic
  • C. infinitely elastic
  • D. derived
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Question 9

A country has a population distribution as shown below:


\text{Age Group years} & \text{ Corresponding percentage} \\

\text{Above 60} & 22 \\

15 - 60 & 60 \\

0 - 14 & 15 \\


The dependency ratio is?

jamb 1986

  • A. 3:2
  • B. 1:3
  • C. 2:3
  • D. 1:5
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Question 10

Malthus became famous through his theory which may be stated simply

jamb 1978

  • A. the death rate may become so high that people may not be able to produce
  • B. population may outgrow the means of subsistence
  • C. people will eventually decide not to have children
  • D. migration of people from one place to another may leave some parts of the world barren
  • E. all of the above
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